One of the major objectives of Asi@Connect projects is to narrow the digital divide in developing countries. In order achieve this objective, TEIN*CC has developed and operated a database platform – TEIN Researcher DB- for researchers in the Asia Pacific region to share information and effectively promote collaboration among the R&E Community. TEIN Researcher DB will also support research and education communities to effectively prepare for Asi@Connect Project Call for Proposals (CfP).
DrukREN is pleased to invite researchers in Bhutan to register on the TEIN Researcher DB to enhance research activities in Bhutan. Guideline on how to register is available here.
Brief information on the background of the TEIN Researcher DB Programme is given below:
Research Background
- One of the major objectives of Asi@Connect projects is narrowing the digital divide in developing countries. In order to pursue this, TEIN*CC has been an active supporter of research and education applications* through the TEIN** network, connecting Asia and Europe as well as regions in Asia.
* Encompass from applications with high social benefits and public influence such as telemedicine, e-learning, environmental monitoring, crop research, to cutting-edge areas such as future internet and high energy.** Trans-Eurasia Information Network (for more information, visit www.tein.asia)
- To achieve this objective, a place for connectivity is demanded to share information and promote collaboration between researchers. TEIN*CC developed and has operated related system – a match making platform – since 2015. With the new system upgrade, the platform aims to be more user-friendly and maximize global collaboration among research and education communities. In particular, supporting them to effectively prepare for Call for Proposals (CFP)* which TEIN*CC conducts every year is a practical task.
*For detailed information about CFP: http://www.tein.asia/sub/?mc=5010
- The upgraded system is expected to enable invigoration of applications and services. It will also be used to provide justifications for Asi@Connect to major stakeholders such as European Commission and governments in the partner countries.